SCAC/Vendor code cannot be empty.SCAC cannot be longer than 5 charactersSCAC must be presentSCAC can only consist of letters and numbersVendor code cannot be longer than 100 characters.Company name cannot be longer than 100 characters.Contact email cannot be empty and must be in an email format.Contact email cannot be longer than 100 characters.Contact name cannot be longer than 100 characters.Contact phone must be between 5 and 15 digits.PO cannot be empty.PO ID cannot be longer than 100 characters.FC cannot be empty.FC is invalid.Transportation Id cannot be empty.Cannot create appointment due to data communication error.Comments cannot exceed 500 characters.Are you sure you want to cancel appointment {0}?Are you sure you want to update appointment {0}?Are you sure you want to auto populate this appointment? All current information may be overwritten.Trailer Number cannot exceed 32 charactersTrailer number can only contain letters, numbers, -, and _.Trailer number can only contain letters, numbers, -, _ and Chinese characters.Error on shipment {0,number,integer}: {1}Either PRO or BOLs must be presentPRO cannot be emptyPRO can only consist of numbers, letters, and dashesPRO cannot exceed {0} charactersPO List cannot be emptyPO List can only consist of numbers, letters, and commasBlank PO in PO ListDuplicate PO in PO ListARN must be a numberARN cannot exceed {0} charactersBOL List cannot be emptyBOL can only consist of numbers, letters, and dashesBlank BOL in BOL ListDuplicate BOL in BOL ListBOL cannot exceed {0} charactersVendor Name cannot exceed 50 charactersARN exists in a previous shipmentPRO exists in a previous shipmentBOL exists in a previous shipmentNone of Pallet, Carton, or Unit Count may be less than 0 or greater than 1000000000Pallet Count cannot be larger than Carton Count, and Carton Count cannot be larger than Unit CountPallet Count must be at least 1 for a palletized appointmentPallet Count must be less than {0} for an appointmentPallet Count must be 0 for a floor loaded appointmentPlease add at least one shipment.The Carrier Requested Delivery Date cannot be in the past.The Carrier Requested Delivery Date must be within the next {0} days.Cannot update appointment due to data communication error.Cannot create account due to data communication error.Appointment auto populated with errors:Appointment auto populate failed. Please try again.If you believe the issue needs further investigation, please contact Amazon with above information through the support link below.Cannot auto populate appointment due to data communication error.FBA Shipment IDs replaced with errors:Replacing FBA Shipment IDs failed. Please try again.Cannot replace FBA Shipment IDs due to connection failure.Unique identifier for trailer123e4567-e89b-12...Please put any additional instruction here.No PreferencePending ScheduleArrival ScheduledArrivedDeletedCancelledDefectClosedFrom time should be smaller than To time.ID input cannot be empty.ARN is number only.PRO and BOL can only consist of numbers, letters, and dashes.PO can only consist of numbers and letters.Cannot search appointments due to data communication error.One of ARN or PRO or BOLs must be present -Company name is required.Contact name is required.Contact phone is required.Bill of LadingVendor Name is requiredCarton Count is requiredUnit Count is requiredFreight type is required.Load type is required.Trailer type is required.Is freight clampable is required.PO list cannot exceed {0} entriesBOL list cannot exceed {0} entriesThe unit count for floor loaded type is required and needs to be larger than zeroAppointment Reference CodeNo Call No Shows or Cancellations within {0} hours of Scheduled Arrival Time are considered a defect against the carrier. Amazon requires an appointment defect rate of less than {1}% to be eligible to deliver to Amazon facilities.No Call No Shows or Cancellations within {0} hours of Scheduled Arrival Time are considered a defect against the carrier. Amazon requires an appointment defect rate of less than {1}% to be eligible to deliver to Amazon facilities.Cancellations may affect Carrier Controllable FPY and degrade Carrier's weekly performance rate. Amazon requires a Carrier Controllable FPY rate of {0}% or better to be eligible to deliver to Amazon Facilities.Initiating a late scheduling change within {0} hours of expected arrival can incur an appointment defect and degrade Carrier's weekly performance rate. Amazon requires an appointment defect rate of less than {1}% to be eligible to deliver to Amazon facilities.Initiating a late scheduling change within {0} hours of expected arrival can incur an appointment defect and degrade Carrier's weekly performance rate. Amazon requires an appointment defect rate of less than {1}% to be eligible to deliver to Amazon facilities.Changes to the Scheduled arrival time may affect Carrier Controllable FPY and degrade Carrier's weekly performance rate. Amazon requires a Carrier Controllable FPY rate of {0}% or better to be eligible to deliver to Amazon Facilities.Below is a beta version of our appointment availability view. This view is currently under testing and will be available only in select cases. In this view, you can select any available appointment from below and click confirm to get a confirmed appointment in real-time.The appointment edits will require you to select a new appointment slot. Please select availability from below.Select An Available TimeCancelGet More AvailabilitiesConfirmSubmit Appointment RequestExport All DataYour Appointments Defect RateAn appointment instance that did not materialize due to changes within 24 hours of scheduled arrival time as a percent of total appointment instances.No performance data available right now. Please check again next week to see updated data.Last updated onCarriers are expected to provide accurate freight information that you plan to deliver or otherwise risk account suspension. Please note that if you add additional POs or pallets/cartons/counts 24 hours prior to your scheduled arrival, your appointment will not be rescheduled.Your selection will not change your appointment, or generate any chargeback or penalities.Please read the scenario and select your preference.To be compliant with our delivery requirements (see the Carrier Manual for more information), we kindly remind you to ensure that the Carrier Requested Delivery Date is within the Delivery Window of each PO you deliver with this appointment.
Please review POs below and update your CRDD in order to ensure a delivery within the POs Delivery Window.
You can also continue without any change, but this might impact shipper and carrier performance on Delivery Window compliance. is constrained. away can provide an earlier appointment. The next available slot is , a total of slots are available on that day. Are you willing to redirect to instead?Reason why you chose this option (Optional)How did you feel about the redirect opportunity?I do not want to receive any more redirect suggestionsSelect an option to submit your inputSelect a redirect reasonOur team may reach out to you for redirect within 1 day. Your appointment will not change until you confirm the redirect with our team.Your appointment with will not change.Carton or Unit count must be at least 1 for Floor Loaded appointmentCarton Count must be at least 1 for Floor Loaded appointmentFloor loaded appointment requires pallet count of 0Download AppointmentsSelected Carrier Requested Delivery Date is outside of PO’s delivery windowExisting appointments detected for POs below. Please review the list below before requesting another appointment.Multiple issues detected"National Corporate Number" or "National Tax Invoice ID" or "JASTPRO (Japan Exporter and Importer Standard Code)" or "Customs Import/Export Code" is requiredOnly letters, numbers are allowed